Making envelopes from calendars

img_2664-2This is the last of our blogs (at least for now) on the topic of arousing curiosity through colorful envelopes that beg to be opened. We talked about making mini-envelopes from the images in a bonsai catalog. You can also think big. We picked up several 2018 calendars at a dollar store, but you could also use calendars from previous years. The most common calendar page size is 12 X 10-3/4” and the envelopes we made were about 5 X 9-1/2” (A standard business envelope is about 4 X 9-1/2”)

img_2665-2The large size of the paper means you can also make more than one envelope from each picture if you choose a smaller template. For the blog on “How to Display,” that’s exactly what we did for the envelopes that made up the tulips and daffodil bouquet and the flowered wreath.

But many calendar pictures provide maximize impact when we use as much of each picture img_3168img_3157as possible. In some of the pictures of classic cars shown here, we used a business envelope template. For others, we freehand adjusted the flaps to get each picture centered where we wanted. Then all that’s needed is four folds, a little glue on the end flaps, a sticker for the final flap, and you’ve got a beautiful envelope in which to put a large print cheery message or invitation – or your cable bill payment.

As you can see from the illustrations that follow, with calendar art, the backside is frequently as beautiful as the front – an added bonus.
